Year: 2016

Sleep deprivation can be deadly on Texas roads: especially when a semi-truck is involved. Sleep deprivation can be deadly on Texas roads: especially when a semi-truck is involved. Whether it involves an interstate truck traveling from state to state, or an intrastate truck traveling in-state, drivers who get less than…

A tractor-trailer slammed into vehicles stopped due to construction in Rose City, Texas. The problem: cell phone distraction. A moment of distraction cost the lives of four people in 2014. A tractor-trailer driven by Roy Ellis Holcomb, Jr. slammed into vehicles stopped due to construction in Rose City, Texas. The…

Semi-truck accidents are becoming too common on Texas roads – like the one that happened in West Texas with a school bus. Semi-truck accidents are becoming too common on Texas roads. On Dec 3, 2016, a school bus collided with a semi-truck on I-20 outside of Big Spring, Texas. The…

A North Texas man was sentenced after releasing hazardous substances in a 2nd offence. Some people have to learn the hard way. Such was the case with Bill Musgrove, a precious metals recovery business owner in North Texas. On Nov 18, 2016, William ‘Bill’ Lafon Musgrove, 61, was sentenced to three…

On November 2, 2016, OSHA announced plans for a heightened focus on amputation hazards in Texas and the US. There are far too many workplace accidents that result in amputations. Amputations include the loss of a body part such as an arm, leg, foot, hand, or finger. These injuries are…

In 2016, 102 workers in Texas have died in workplace accidents and workplace related accidents. This is too many unnecessary workplace deaths. The construction boom continues in the state of Texas. According to Dodge Data & Analytics reported by Forbes, Houston and Dallas are some of the busiest construction areas…

Texas Farm Bureau lobbied the Texas Department of Insurance to take away a customer’s right to sue their insurance company – they have since dropped their proposal. Insurance companies are in the business of collecting premiums and then paying claims only when they must. The less an insurance company pays…

There are more people living with brain injuries in Texas and around the nation than you may think. If you are caring for a loved one that has suffered a brain injury, you may think that you are alone in your struggle. However, there are actually millions of people around…

Insurance is big business and a lot of tax revenue for Texas, but consumers should not take a backseat. The Texas Commissioner of Insurance is supposed to be a position that regulates the insurance industry and protects policyholders in the state. But, is that what really happens when insurance companies…

The explosion in West, Texas, is a perfect example why tougher rules on chemical plant safety are needed. In 2013, a devastating chemical explosion ripped through the town of West, Texas. The West Fertilizer plant explosion killed 15 people, injured over 200, and destroyed 500 homes. Later investigations found that…