Year: 2021

With the new administration should come to a new federal infrastructure package, complete with a thorough consultation and complete reform of the American infrastructure system, according to a report released by the Kinder Institute. The report was co-authored by William Fulton and Henry Cisneros. Fulton is the director of Rice…

Texas legislators are working to pass legislation called House Bill 19, also known as HB 19. This proposed legislation protects unsafe trucking companies from being held accountable for truck accidents caused by their negligence. If passed, HB 19 will shield trucking companies from responsibility when their negligent acts hurt and kill…

A coalition consisting of members of the Citizens for Reliable and Safe Highways (CRASH) Foundation, and Parents Against Tired Truckers (PATT) who have been seriously injured in or lost loved ones to deadly truck accidents are calling on President Biden to reform the trucking industry. Calling themselves the Truck Safety…

With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses and healthcare workers are more important than ever. But in addition to the increased health risks of working during a pandemic, healthcare workers are also at risk of workplace violence. Labor department numbers have shown that since 2011, hospitals across the nation…

The debate on whether to lower the age limit for interstate truck drivers has been in contention for two decades. However, a bipartisan group in Congress has drafted new legislation in addition to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) pilot program in recent weeks to bring the issue back…

The coronavirus pandemic has altered the state of countless businesses worldwide, one of them being the bicycle industry. With the onset of the pandemic, people have been going to parks in droves, and biking has seen a spike in popularity. Tragically, this uptick comes an increase in cyclist road injuries…

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an undeniable and significant ripple effect in many aspects of our daily life. But one unanticipated result of the pandemic is the increase in car accidents involving roadside work zones. Despite fewer cars on the road, there has been an alarming increase in both work…

Texas roads have not seen a deathless day since 2000, and Houston has also long been plagued with car accidents, even dubbed the deadliest driving city in America by the Houston Chronicle. But Houston government officials state that they have a plan to end road fatalities within the next decade….

The National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, part of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, found that on average, one person died from a work-related injury every 99 minutes. The Census reported 5,333 fatal workplace injuries in 2019. This is a 2% increase from the year prior, with occupational fatalities totaling…

The owner of a Rochester trucking company was recently charged by criminal complaint for allegedly lying to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Charges include that Tony Kirik, the owner of several trucking companies, made false statements to the FMCSA and the U.S. Department of Transportation in an attempt…