Knee Injury From Car Accident in Houston

knee injury from car accident in houston

Knee injuries are unfortunately a common injury suffered in car accidents. The forces exerted during a collision can subject the knee to a range of injuries, and given the knee’s intricate structure and its vital role in supporting movement, injuries to this area can significantly hinder a person’s ability to perform daily activities and enjoy a pain-free existence.

With extensive experience in handling cases involving knee injuries from car accidents, The Callahan Law Firm is adept at navigating the complexities of such claims, ensuring that injured parties receive the comprehensive care and compensation they need to support their recovery. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Common Causes of Car Accident Knee Injuries

Knee injuries in car accidents are caused by a variety of factors, often related to the intense and sudden forces exerted upon the body during a collision. Understanding these common causes can help in identifying and treating such injuries effectively:

  • Direct Impact on the Knee: This happens when the knee forcefully strikes against the dashboard, steering wheel, or other hard surfaces during a collision. This is commonly referred to as ‘dashboard knee,’ which can lead to fractures, ligament tears, and other soft tissue injuries.
  • Sudden Twisting Motions: During an accident, the body may be jerked in unexpected directions, causing the knee to twist unnaturally. This can result in tears to the meniscus or ligaments in the knee.
  • Bracing for Impact: In anticipation of a crash, occupants may instinctively straighten and stiffen their legs, placing immense pressure on the knee joints. The force exerted can lead to hyperextension injuries.
  • Compression Injuries: High-impact collisions can compress the lower body, especially in frontal or side-impact crashes. This compression can cause the knee joint and surrounding structures to absorb significant force, leading to injury.
  • Ejection from the Vehicle: Although less common due to the use of seatbelts, being ejected from a vehicle during a crash can result in severe knee injuries due to the high-impact landing outside the vehicle.

Understanding the dynamics of how knee injuries occur in car accidents is crucial for both medical and legal purposes. Identifying the cause of the injury is the first step in seeking appropriate treatment and pursuing compensation for damages sustained

Common Types of Knee Injuries in Houston Car Accidents

Knee injuries resulting from car accidents in Houston can vary widely in severity and type, each affecting the injured party’s mobility and quality of life differently. Here’s an overview of the common types of knee injuries observed in such incidents:

Fractures: The patella, or kneecap, can fracture upon direct impact with parts of the car’s interior during a crash. These fractures can range from simple cracks to more complex breaks requiring surgical intervention. Examples of fractures include:

  • Patellar fractures
  • Distal femur fractures
  • Proximal tibia fractures

Ligament Injuries: Ligaments in the knee, which connect bones and stabilize the joint, can stretch or tear when subjected to sudden forces. Examples of these types of injuries include:

  • ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) tears: An ACL tear during a car accident can occur when the knee experiences a sudden, forceful twist or impact, common in collisions that cause the leg to move unnaturally or slam into the dashboard or seat in front.
  • MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament) injuries: An MCL injury can occur in a car accident when the knee forcefully strikes the dashboard or is quickly pushed sideways due to the impact, causing the ligament on the inner side of the knee to stretch or tear.
  • PCL (Posterior Cruciate Ligament) tears: A PCL (posterior cruciate ligament) injury in a car accident typically occurs when a direct force strikes the front of the knee while it’s bent, such as hitting the dashboard during a frontal collision, causing the shinbone to move backward and damage the ligament.

Meniscus Tears: The meniscus acts as a cushion between the knee’s bones. A tear can happen when the knee is twisted or turned forcefully while bearing weight. Examples include:

  • Medial meniscus tears
  • Lateral meniscus tears

Dislocations: The knee joint may become dislocated, a condition where the bones of the knee are out of place, often due to a high-impact collision. This injury can damage surrounding ligaments, blood vessels, and nerves, leading to:

  • Patellar dislocations
  • Tibiofemoral dislocations

Tendon Injuries: Tendons (which attach muscle to bone) around the knee can stretch or tear. Tendon injuries related to the knee often include:

  • Patellar tendon tears
  • Quadriceps tendon tears

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, legal assistance from experienced professionals like The Callahan Law Firm can be invaluable in navigating this situation, ensuring that you receive the compensation necessary to support your recovery and address the financial burdens associated with such injuries.

Symptoms of Knee Injuries

Knee injuries sustained in car accidents can manifest in a range of symptoms, varying from common discomforts to more severe indicators of significant damage. Identifying these symptoms early is crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment:

  • Pain and tenderness around the knee
  • Swelling and stiffness
  • Difficulty bearing weight on the affected leg
  • The knee giving way or feeling unstable
  • Visible bruising or discoloration
  • A popping or snapping sensation at the time of injury
  • Limited range of motion

These symptoms can signal various underlying knee injuries, from ligament tears and fractures to dislocations and tendon injuries, necessitating professional medical evaluation to determine the extent of the damage and the appropriate course of treatment.

Treatment and Recovery for Knee Injuries

Treatment and recovery for knee injuries sustained in car accidents depend significantly on the severity of the injury. Here’s an overview of various treatment options:

Rest and Ice: Initial treatment for mild knee injuries often includes rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) to reduce swelling and pain.

Medication: Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications can help manage pain and reduce inflammation.

Physical Therapy: A crucial component for most knee injuries, physical therapy helps restore strength, flexibility, and range of motion.

Bracing or Casting: For injuries needing stabilization, such as certain fractures or ligament tears, bracing or casting can provide the necessary support during healing.

Corticosteroid Injections: These may be used to reduce inflammation in cases of severe swelling that does not respond to oral medications.

Surgical Treatment

In some cases, conservative treatment measures can help. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case, at which point you may need to consider surgical treatment options:

  • Arthroscopy: A minimally invasive surgery used for diagnosing and treating many knee problems, including meniscus tears and ligament repairs.
  • Ligament Reconstruction: ACL tears often require surgical reconstruction. Meniscectomy or Meniscus Repair: Surgery to remove or repair torn knee cartilage.
  • Fracture Repair: Severe fractures may need surgical intervention to properly align and secure the bones for healing.

The recovery time from knee injuries can vary widely, from a few weeks for minor injuries to several months or more for severe damage requiring surgery. From recovery time, where income is lost, to expensive medical treatments, it is essential you know how your treatment and recovery impact the types of compensation you can seek.

knee injury from car accident

Types of Compensation You Can Seek For a Knee Injury From a Car Accident

Understanding the complexity of compensation can be overwhelming, but a good place to begin is to understand what type of compensation you may be entitled to. This compensation is divided into three primary categories:

Economic Damages

Economic damages compensate for the financial losses directly related to the injury. They are quantifiable and typically include:

  • Medical expenses, which cover the cost of emergency care, surgeries, physical therapy, medications, and any future medical treatments.
  • Lost wages, which is compensation for the income lost while recovering from the injury, as well as lost earning capacity if you’re unable to work at the same earning level as before.
  • Property damage, which includes reimbursement for repairs or replacement of your vehicle and any other personal property damaged in the accident.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages address the more intangible impacts of an injury. These are subjective and can vary significantly from case to case:

  • Pain and suffering, which compensates for the physical pain endured as a result of the injury.
  • Loss of enjoyment of life, which recognizes the limitations placed on your ability to engage in hobbies, activities, or other life pleasures post-accident.
  • Mental anguish, which compensates you for the mental and emotional impact of the injury, including anxiety, depression, and trauma.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are less common and are awarded in cases where the defendant’s actions were especially reckless or egregious. In Texas, these damages are intended to:

  • Punish the at-fault party for their negligent or harmful behavior; and
  • Serve as a deterrent to prevent similar actions in the future.

Understanding these categories and the types of damages within them is crucial for accurately assessing the full extent of compensation you’re entitled to for a knee injury from a car accident. It’s advisable to seek guidance from a legal professional experienced in Texas personal injury law to navigate the complexities of your claim and ensure you receive fair compensation.

What to Do If You Have a Knee Injury From a Car Accident

Suffering a knee injury in a car accident can be a distressing experience, impacting your mobility and overall quality of life. Taking prompt and appropriate actions following the incident is crucial for your health and any potential legal claims. Here’s what you should do after a car accident:

  • Seek medical attention, even if you don’t immediately have knee pain after your accident
  • Document your injury and all medical treatments
  • Report the accident to law enforcement
  • Take photographs of the accident scene and your injury
  • Gather witness contact information
  • Inform your insurance company about the accident
  • Keep a diary of pain levels and mobility issues
  • Consult with a personal injury lawyer

By following these steps, you ensure your health is prioritized, you have the necessary documentation and you have the support needed should you decide to seek compensation for your injuries.

Choosing The Best Personal Injury Lawyer in Houston, Texas

Selecting the best personal injury lawyers for a knee injury after a car accident is a crucial decision for anyone facing the aftermath of an accident. The right legal assistance can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case, ensuring you receive the compensation and support you deserve. A skilled personal injury lawyer brings commitment, experience, and a deep understanding of Texas law, providing invaluable guidance through the often complex legal process.

If you or a loved one has been injured, consider reaching out to The Callahan Law Firm for a consultation and case evaluation. With a proven track record of success and a commitment to personalized care, The Callahan Law Firm is here to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Contact us today to speak with a car accident lawyer and take the first step toward recovery and justice.


Do you have to accept a settlement after a car accident knee injury?

No, you are not obligated to accept a settlement offer. It’s important to ensure the offer adequately covers all your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages before agreeing. If you don’t receive an adequate settlement offer, your lawyer can take the case to trial to recover compensation from the at-fault party.

What is the role of a car accident attorney in knee injury cases?

A car accident attorney helps deal with the aspects of your situation, negotiates with insurers, gathers evidence to support your personal injury claim, and ensures you receive fair compensation for your knee injury.

Can I still claim compensation if the accident was partially my fault?

Yes, in Texas you can still pursue compensation if you were partially at fault for the accident – as long as you are less than 51% responsible. However, your compensation will be reduced relative to your degree of fault. Some states follow different rules regarding apportionment of fault. It is important to talk with an experienced attorney to find out how this may impact your claim.

What if my knee injury symptoms appeared days after the accident?

It’s not uncommon for knee injury symptoms to appear days after a car accident due to the body’s initial adrenaline response masking pain. If you start experiencing knee pain or any related symptoms post-accident, seek medical attention immediately to ensure proper diagnosis and documentation of your injuries, and reach out to a personal injury lawyer to discuss the next steps.

How long do I have to file a lawsuit for a knee injury from a car accident?

In most cases, you have two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit for a knee injury. However, exceptions exist, so it’s advisable to consult with a lawyer as soon as possible so you don’t miss out on your chance to obtain the compensation you’re entitled to.