Can You Sue After a Product Recall in Texas?

Can You Sue After a Product Recall in Texas?

Each year, numerous products are recalled due to design or manufacturing issues that pose a risk to consumer safety. Some recalls occur because of insufficient instructions or a lack of clear warnings about potential hazards. But what occurs if you sustain an injury from a product that has already been recalled?

Can you take legal action against the manufacturer under Texas product liability laws? The answer is yes. With knowledgable legal representation from a Houston product liability attorney at The Callahan Law Firm, individuals who have suffered injuries can seek recourse for the losses caused by a recalled product.

Understanding Product Recalls and Liability

When a manufacturer or government agency discovers a product defect, a product recall is initiated to alert the public. These notifications typically provide guidance on how to address the issue through repairs or replacements. They emphasize any potential hazards associated with the product. In severe instances, a recall may advise ceasing the use of the product altogether to ensure safety.

In the realm of product recalls and manufacturer liability, it’s important to note that a recall does not automatically assign liability to the manufacturer for any resulting harm. However, it doesn’t release them from responsibility in cases of injury or loss. Whether it’s an automobile tire, children’s toy, car seat, airbag, lawnmower, hip replacement, or household appliance – consumer products must be safe for their intended use.

Manufacturer Liability

Under Texas laws, manufacturers are held strictly accountable for dangerous and defective products that lead to injuries. This means that individuals can pursue a product liability claim for an unreasonably dangerous product, regardless of whether the manufacturer acted negligently.

A manufacturer may initiate a voluntary product recall to notify consumers when a design flaw, manufacturing defect, or safety issue is identified. The majority of product recalls are voluntary, with manufacturers typically offering to replace or repair the defective item at no cost.

In certain situations, governmental agencies such as the FDA or Consumer Product Safety Commission may enforce a recall when public safety is at stake. Recall notifications are often corrective actions taken by manufacturers following the discovery of defects. By their very nature, recalls bring product flaws to light and may lead to legal actions seeking justice.

Applicability of Texas Product Liability Laws

Texas product liability laws hold manufacturers strictly liable for injuries caused by dangerous and defective products. This means that if you are injured by a recalled product, you do not need to prove negligence; it is sufficient to demonstrate that the product was defective and caused your injury. This strict liability framework enables victims to pursue legal action more effectively.

In Texas, product liability claims can be based on three primary theories:

  • Design Defects:
    These occur when a product is inherently unsafe due to its design. To prove a design defect, it must be shown that a safer, economically feasible alternative design existed and that the defective design caused the injury.
  • Manufacturing Defects:
    These arise from errors during the production process that make a product unsafe. In these cases, the defect is typically not present in all units of the product but only in specific items that were improperly manufactured.
  • Failure to Warn:
    This involves dangerous products that lack adequate instructions or warnings about their risks. To establish liability, it must be shown that the manufacturer knew or should have known about the risks and failed to provide sufficient warnings.

The Role of Legal Counsel

Navigating the complexities of product liability laws requires expert legal guidance. A skilled Houston product liability attorney can help you understand how Texas laws apply to your specific case, ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Effect of Product Recalls on Legal Action

While a product recall acknowledges a defect, it can also serve as a defense for the manufacturer. They may argue that the recall mitigates their liability by demonstrating their effort to warn consumers and remedy the defect. However, this does not eliminate their responsibility for injuries that occurred before or despite the recall.

Manufacturers often use these strategies to defend themselves in product liability cases involving recalled products:

  • Compliance with Recall Protocols: Manufacturers may claim that they fulfilled their duty by issuing the recall and providing remedies to consumers.
  • Consumer Negligence: They might argue that the injury resulted from the consumer’s misuse of the product or failure to follow recall instructions.
  • Third-Party Liability: Manufacturers may attempt to shift blame to other parties, such as retailers or distributors, especially if the defect was introduced after the product left the manufacturer’s control.

Factors Influencing Legal Action

Certain factors can impact your ability to pursue legal action after a product recall, including:

  • Compliance with Recall Notices:
    If you continued to use the product despite being aware of the recall, this could affect your claim. Courts may consider whether you acted reasonably after being informed of the recall.
  • Awareness of Safety Hazards:
    Your knowledge of the potential dangers associated with the product can influence the case’s outcome. If you were aware of the risks but continued to use the product, it might be more challenging to prove that the manufacturer is solely responsible for your injuries.

Overcoming Challenges in Product Liability Cases

Given the complexities and nuances involved, achieving success in these cases often requires the expertise and guidance of seasoned legal representatives. At The Callahan Law Firm, we understand the intricate nature of these cases and the significant adversity individuals may face as a result.

Legal Representation and Evidence

Winning a product liability case involving a recalled product can be challenging. Effective legal representation is important when navigating these challenges. Our attorneys can help gather and present evidence, such as expert witness testimony and medical documentation, to support your claim.

The Importance of Expert Testimony

Expert witnesses play a vital role in product liability cases. They can provide technical insights into the product’s defects and how they caused your injuries, strengthening your case. Experts may include engineers who analyze the design and manufacturing processes, medical professionals who can link injuries to product defects, and safety consultants who can testify about industry standards and the adequacy of warnings provided.

Medical Documentation

Comprehensive medical records are essential in proving the extent of your injuries and their impact on your life. These documents can demonstrate the correlation between the defective product and your injuries, helping to establish the manufacturer’s liability.

Seeking Legal Guidance and Representation

If you or a loved one has been harmed by a recalled product, seeking immediate medical attention is crucial. Not only does this prioritize your well-being, but it also establishes a clear record of your injuries, which is vital in building a strong legal case.

Medical records are an integral piece of evidence in product liability cases, providing documentation of the harm caused by the defective product. These records not only serve to validate the extent of your injuries but also play a significant role in strengthening your legal position.

Consultation with a Product Liability Attorney

Consulting with a Houston product liability attorney can help you understand your legal options. Product liability attorneys can offer a complimentary case evaluation, guiding you through the complexities of your claim and ensuring that your rights are protected. Experienced attorneys can also negotiate with manufacturers and insurance companies on your behalf, aiming to secure a fair settlement or take your case to trial if necessary.

Steps to Take if Injured by a Recalled Product

  • Seek Medical Attention: Ensure your injuries are treated and documented.
  • Preserve the Product: Keep the defective product and any packaging, instructions, or receipts.
  • Report the Incident: Notify the manufacturer and relevant regulatory bodies about the injury.
  • Document Your Experience: Keep detailed records of your injuries, medical treatments, lost wages, and other related expenses.
  • Consult an Attorney: Seek legal advice to understand your rights and options.
From Recall to Recovery: Contact The Callahan Law Firm Today

From Recall to Recovery: Contact The Callahan Law Firm Today

Defective products enter the market every year, unknowingly purchased or acquired by individuals like you. Pursuing legal action after a product recall can offer you and your loved ones comfort in these challenging times. However, these cases can be complex.

Consulting with an experienced product liability attorney offers unwavering support and can significantly improve the chances of winning your case. Take the first steps to protect your rights and secure the compensation you deserve by contacting us today.

Schedule a no-cost consultation to discuss how we can help you.


What are the consequences of product recall?

Product recalls can have serious consequences for manufacturers, including financial costs and damage to their reputations. Consumers using defective products face risks of injury and economic losses.

Who is liable for a recall?

Liability for a product recall can fall on the party responsible for the defect or distribution of the product. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has the authority to order recalls if products pose significant injury risks.