Involved in a Car Accident While Pregnant? Here’s what to do

car accident while pregnant

A car accident while pregnant is a terrifying experience that puts both the mother and unborn child at significant risk. Even a minor collision can lead to severe complications like placental abruption, uterine rupture, or miscarriage due to the trauma inflicted on the expectant mother’s body.

You must seek immediate medical attention after getting rear-ended while pregnant or being involved in any kind of car accident to ensure there are no internal injuries that could jeopardize the pregnancy.

Immediate Steps to Take After a Car Accident While Pregnant

You should take immediate steps to protect yourself and your baby after being involved in a car accident while pregnant, no matter how minor the accident may seem. Staying calm and composed is crucial, as the emotional and physical stress can directly affect the well-being of the baby.

  1. Call 911 immediately and explain that you are pregnant. The operator will dispatch emergency services, and you should be taken to the nearest emergency room for evaluation.
  2. Contact a trusted loved one, such as your partner, family member, or close friend, who can meet you at the scene or the hospital. Their presence can help you remain calm and monitor your condition.
  3. Inform your primary care provider about the accident and any symptoms you experience, even if they seem minor. They can provide additional instructions to the emergency care team.
  4. At the ER, insist on a comprehensive evaluation, including an obstetric exam and ultrasound, even if they initially try to discharge you. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, and a healthcare professional can properly diagnose any issues before they worsen.
  5. Once home, continue to closely monitor your condition and alert your OB/GYN if any new symptoms occur.

Seeking immediate medical attention and receiving a complete examination is crucial, even if you feel fine after the accident. Trauma affects 6-7% of pregnancies in the United States and is the leading cause of nonobstetric maternal death.

The physical examination findings in a pregnant woman with blunt trauma are not reliable in predicting adverse obstetric outcomes. Pregnancy induces physiological changes that can mask certain symptoms.

Legal Considerations After a Car Accident While Pregnant

If you are involved in a car accident while pregnant, you have certain legal rights and options available to seek compensation. Texas is an at-fault car crash state, which means that if you have been involved in a car accident, the driver who caused the injuries will be responsible for damages.

In Texas, the law regards a fetus as a separate individual when it comes to wrongful death claims. The Texas Wrongful Death Act allows parents to sue for the loss of their unborn child from fertilization to birth.

An experienced car accident attorney can assist you in various ways after a motor vehicle collision while pregnant, including:

  1. Identifying liable parties
  2. Gathering evidence of their legal fault
  3. Estimating the potential value of your claim
  4. Filing a claim
  5. Negotiating with the insurance company
  6. Determining if you need to go to trial

Even when you’re only filing a claim with your own insurer, having an attorney’s representation may influence the amount of compensation you receive. While you rest and recover, the attorney can handle all the legal work.

Assessing Injuries and Harm Caused by the Car Accident

Injuries unique to pregnant occupants involved in motor-vehicle crashes include placental abruption, uterine rupture or laceration, and direct fetal injury.

  • Placental abruption: Placental abruption is the most common cause of fetal loss in automotive crashes. It occurs in 1 to 5% of minor severity crashes during pregnancy and from 20 to 50% of severe crashes during pregnancy. The placenta detaches from the uterine wall, disrupting the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.
  • Uterine rupture and lacerations: Uterine rupture and lacerations are rare during pregnancy, occurring in less than 1% of pregnant trauma cases. While uterine rupture is very rare, the likelihood of fetal death with such an injury is near 100%.
  • Direct fetal injury (DFI): Direct fetal injury (DFI) is also quite rare, occurring in less than 10% of automotive crashes involving pregnant occupants. The structure of the pregnant abdomen protects the fetus by encasing it in amniotic fluid, which acts as a shock absorber.

It is estimated that between 1,500 and 5,000 fetal losses occur annually in the U.S. as a direct result of automotive accidents. This does not include other adverse outcomes and permanent disabilities as a result of fetal trauma.

It’s crucial to receive immediate medical evaluation following any car accident, even minor ones, to safeguard both mother and unborn child’s health and safety. Some serious injuries may not immediately manifest symptoms yet can pose life-threatening risks.

Seeking Compensation and Legal Recourse

If you or your unborn child suffered an injury in a car accident, your best option for collecting financial recovery is to hire a car accident attorney. A car accident lawyer can step in to assess your situation and walk you through the process of securing compensation.

After a car accident while pregnant, your first step to securing fair compensation involves reaching out to a legal professional. Once you start working with a law firm, a legal professional can take steps to identify the party who caused your accident. Generally, this requires establishing negligence. After a car accident while being pregnant, they may:

  • Question witnesses
  • Acquire a copy of your accident report
  • Look for video surveillance
  • Work with car accident experts

Once your lawyer identifies the party that caused the accident, you can explore the rest of your legal steps for fair compensation.

Your lawyer also reviews all the losses you sustained in the wreck. You may secure damages to cover your:

Both you and your child face a significant risk of injury when you are in a severe car accident. As a pregnant woman, you will probably have far more medical expenses than others involved in a car accident. For example, fetal monitoring to ensure the baby is uninjured and appointments with an obstetrician or other specialists to check on her baby’s health and safety in the long term.

Importance of Early Legal Assistance

After a car accident while pregnant, your first step to securing fair compensation involves reaching out to a legal professional. At The Callahan Law Firm, our car accident lawyers provide experienced advice and guidance when handling legal claims.

A car accident can cause unforeseen complications during pregnancy. An attorney can help ensure you receive the necessary medical care and document all pregnancy-related issues that may be linked to the accident. We will begin gathering evidence from the scene, police reports, and witness statements to build a strong case.

Contact an experienced car accident lawyer. You should not have to pay for your injuries because of someone else’s wrongful actions. An attorney can review your legal options and help you file a claim against the at-fault party(s).

Reach Out to Us for Assistance Today

Reach Out to Us for Assistance Today

Being involved in a car accident while pregnant is an extremely stressful and concerning situation. Seeking immediate medical attention and thoroughly documenting any potential injuries to both the mother and unborn child is crucial. Contact The Callahan Law Firm to understand your legal rights and options available for pursuing compensation from those responsible for the accident. We work on a no-fee unless you win basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a car accident affect your pregnancy?

Yes, a car accident can affect your pregnancy, even if it seems minor. The sudden impact and force can cause complications for both you and your baby.

What happens when a pregnant woman is in an accident?

A car accident during pregnancy can lead to several potential issues, including:

  • Miscarriage: The force of the impact can increase the risk of miscarriage, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • Preterm labor: The stress and trauma of the accident can trigger contractions and lead to premature birth.
  • Placental abruption: A serious complication where the placenta separates from the uterine wall, cutting off oxygen and nutrients to the baby.
  • Bleeding: Internal bleeding can be a risk for both mother and baby.

How do I know if my baby is okay after a car accident?

If you are pregnant and involved in a car accident, it’s crucial to seek medical attention immediately, regardless of how you feel. A doctor can perform an ultrasound to check on your baby’s heartbeat and overall health.

Is it normal to have cramps after a car accident while pregnant?

Cramping after a car accident, even a minor one, can be a sign of potential problems. It’s important to see a doctor to determine the cause of the cramping and ensure the safety of your pregnancy.