Two more oilfield workers were killed on the job in Texas last week, both in Howard County and residents of Big Spring. On Thursday, June 20, Juan Manual Estrada-Duarte, 59, died after a large heat treat rolled onto him. Only 24 hours earlier a drilling rig collapse had taken the…
Concerns about abandoned oil wells contaminating groundwater in Texas are not new, but a boom in oil and gas drilling and increased use of the hydraulic fracturing process have raised the odds of contamination occurring. In addition to groundwater contamination, abandoned wells can provide a pathway for dangerous contaminates to…

Insurance coverage is supposed to provide the policyholder with a feeling of safety and security. People buy insurance for protection against risk that could otherwise be financially devastating. And we expect that the insurance company will hold up its end of the bargain when catastrophe happens and a claim must be…
If you are wondering how many people suffer fatal car crashes caused by cell phone use each year, or if an increase in driver cell phone use has caused a jump in fatal auto accidents, you won’t find an accurate answer. No one knows. Various factors, including drivers not admitting…
Reports of Fatal Contract Worker Injuries Prompt OSHA Initiative According to data recently released on fatal work injuries, Texas had the highest number of contract workers killed on the job in 2011. In just that year, 56 contract workers died from on-the-job injuries in our state. The Bureau of Labor…
The Callahan Law Firm extends its deepest sympathy to all suffering from the West, Texas plant explosion. A deadly Texas plant explosion devastating the town of West killed at least 14 people, many of them volunteer firefighters, injured about 200 others, and destroyed homes within a four-to-five block radius of…
You may have heard that Texas, along with the rest of the country, is experiencing a serious truck driver shortage. Trucking companies cannot find enough drivers able to meet the Department of Transportation’s stringent requirements, and nearly all the drivers they do find leave the profession soon after entering it….
Although the number of DWI arrests decreased during the recent holiday season, concern about Texas’ drunk driving fatality numbers remain in 2013. Each year, drunk driving kills more than a thousand people on Texas roadways. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, alcohol-related crashes injure or kill someone in…
The workplace can sometimes be a dangerous, even deadly place. In Texas, companies employ many individuals in dangerous occupations that have an increased risk of injury on the job, including shipping, construction, manufacturing, energy and transportation. Unfortunately, this increased risk leads to more actual work-related injuries. In April, a worker…
“Texas is the only state in the country that allows employers of any size to decline to carry state-regulated workers’ compensation coverage.” Instead of carrying workers’ compensation insurance, many Texas businesses set up their own injury benefit programs thereby saving themselves a lot of money. In other words, they don’t…