Category: 18 Wheeler Accidents

Requirements for cargo securement - callahan law firm - houston texas - injury attorney

Truck drivers are not legally permitted to load up their truck with as much cargo as possible and take to the road. Rules are in place for truck load securements to ensure these massive vehicles are safe to drive and also ensure the roads remain safe for other drivers. Below,…

distracted driving truck accidents - callahan law firm - houston texas - injury attorney

Distracted driving has become a public crisis in recent years. According to the NHTSA, distracted driving kills more than 3,000 people each year. It is becoming that much more challenging for drivers to maintain a steady focus on the road when there are numerous high-tech distractions in vehicles. From smartphones…

Traffic was backed up for three miles on Interstate 30 near Mt. Pleasant, Texas on March 23, 2018 when a big rig smashed into the back of a minivan killing a mother, her three children and sending her husband to the hospital. A Powerful Crash and Heart Wrenching Scene The EParis Extra…

A national shortage of truck drivers, especially in Texas where the booming oil industry creates a demand for drivers, could result putting inexperienced truck drivers on the road. A rising economy has outpaced the ability of the trucking industry to find qualified drivers. Exacerbating the problem is a lack of…