Category: 18 Wheeler Accidents

Just because you don’t hear about an accident on the Houston evening news every night, doesn’t mean they’re not happening. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, nearly 4,000 people die in accidents with large trucks every year across the nation. The leading cause of these truck accidents is driver…

Fatigued truck driving is one of the leading causes of large truck accidents every year. In many cases, drivers become fatigued as a result of trying to transport as many loads as possible in the shortest amount of time. This is because the drivers are paid either by the load…

Truck accidents in Texas are caused by many things including the mental health of the driver. Large truck crashes with passenger vehicles usually result in serious and sometimes fatal injuries for the people in the passenger vehicle. These crashes are often caused by the negligence of the commercial vehicle driver…
Since the New Year began, a number of 18 wheeler accidents have plagued Texas roadways, resulting in deaths, injuries and traffic backups. Among the many reported accidents were the following: Saturday, Jan 4th, a woman was seriously injured when an 18 wheeler crushed the Smart Car she was driving on…
You may have heard that Texas, along with the rest of the country, is experiencing a serious truck driver shortage. Trucking companies cannot find enough drivers able to meet the Department of Transportation’s stringent requirements, and nearly all the drivers they do find leave the profession soon after entering it….