Category: Auto Accidents

Each year, more than 2 million rear-end car accidents happen nationwide. Rear-end accidents are one of the most common types of motor vehicle collisions. Data from the Texas Department of Insurance reported that they account for 23% of all car accidents, and result in 950,000 injuries and 2,000 fatalities per…

Preliminary data from the NHTSA estimates that 9,560 people were fatally injured in car accidents in the first quarter of 2022. A 7% increase from 2021, traffic fatalities for the first quarter of the year were the highest they’ve been since 2002—two decades ago. Unfortunately, experts estimate that at this…

The city of Houston has a major problem with speeding drivers. Though always an issue, this problem has worsened with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with experts reporting that empty roads freed drivers to drive at dangerous speeds. Additionally, the city’s layout plays a part in its residents’ need…

The Federal Highway Administration estimates that half of all traffic injuries nationwide occur in intersection accidents, and Harris County is no exception to that. Located in Houston, one of the most dangerous driving cities, Harris County has already seen 64,367 crashes this year, with 22,018 of those crashes occurring at…

Despite advancements in truck safety, wheel separation truck accidents remain a leading cause of vehicle crashes. What causes these wheel separation accidents? Wheel separation truck accidents occur when the wheel of a truck unexpectedly detaches while in motion. To be clear, the wheel is the circular metal structure that attaches…

Government officials are working to better enforce federal regulations in hopes of reducing the number of unsafe trucks –and truck drivers—on the roads. A recent crackdown has shut down three unsafe Texas-based trucking companies in 2022 alone, and experts believe that more shutdowns are on the way. Adversity Transport Inc….

Houston has long been lauded as one of the country’s worst cities to drive in, in part due to the never-ending traffic. New data from the American Transportation Research Institute shows that part of the problem is that Houston is one of the most bottlenecked cities in the country, accounting…

While safety advocates hoped to see a decrease in pedestrian fatalities in Harris County, 2022 has had a rocky start. Pedestrians are being hit and killed almost daily in Houston and across Harris County. Initial data from 2022 shows that if pedestrian accidents continue at the rate of which they…

A recent report listed two Texas highways as the top five most dangerous in the country. The report utilizes 2019 date from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, as full data for 2020 and 2021 has yet to be released. According to the report, Interstate 20 is the second most…

At the end of last month, the Department of Transportation announced the government’s plan to combat the road fatality crisis. The federal plan, called the National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS), states that in 2020, approximately 38,680 people died in automobile accidents nationwide. Data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System showed…