Category: Insurance

can i refuse a recorded statement to insurance company

After an accident, one of the first calls you might receive is from an insurance company asking for a recorded statement. This can feel intimidating, and you may wonder whether you’re obligated to provide one. However, you are not always obligated to provide a recorded statement. It is best to…

my own insurance company wants a recorded statement

During the insurance claim process, it’s common for the adjusters to reach out to you for information. However, that doesn’t mean that the information provided will be used to strengthen your claim. It also doesn’t mean that you are required to provide that information without legal representation. It’s common to…

Why Property Insurance Claims Get Rejected: Common Reasons

Anyone who owns property faces the risk of damage to that property. Many property owners rely on insurance coverage to protect them if their property is damaged. Unfortunately, all too often property insurance claims are denied. If that has happened to you or a loved one, you may be wondering…