Category: Truck Accidents

Data from the Department of Transportation reports that of all the counties across the state of Texas, Harris County has experienced the most commercial motor vehicle accidents for the past five years. As the end of 2022 approaches, experts believe it will maintain its title. What is a Commercial Motor…

A new bill has been passed in hopes of lowering the number of underride accidents that occur on American roads. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and Highway Loss Data Institute (IIHS-HLDI) reported that one in 10 roadway deaths is caused by or involves a truck or 18-wheeler. Truck accidents…

Despite advancements in truck safety, wheel separation truck accidents remain a leading cause of vehicle crashes. What causes these wheel separation accidents? Wheel separation truck accidents occur when the wheel of a truck unexpectedly detaches while in motion. To be clear, the wheel is the circular metal structure that attaches…

Government officials are working to better enforce federal regulations in hopes of reducing the number of unsafe trucks –and truck drivers—on the roads. A recent crackdown has shut down three unsafe Texas-based trucking companies in 2022 alone, and experts believe that more shutdowns are on the way. Adversity Transport Inc….

Houston has long been lauded as one of the country’s worst cities to drive in, in part due to the never-ending traffic. New data from the American Transportation Research Institute shows that part of the problem is that Houston is one of the most bottlenecked cities in the country, accounting…

A recent report listed two Texas highways as the top five most dangerous in the country. The report utilizes 2019 date from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, as full data for 2020 and 2021 has yet to be released. According to the report, Interstate 20 is the second most…

An empty 18-wheeler weighs roughly 35,000 pounds, and a fully loaded one can legally weigh up to 80,000 pounds. This means that if they are in a collision with a car, which on average weighs between 3,000-4,000 pounds, the force of the impact could have extreme consequences. Truck drivers have…

The acting administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Meera Joshi, has announced that she is stepping down from the position at the end of this month. Joshi was the acting administrator of the FMCSA for just under a year, and is leaving to accept a position serving as…

A cluster of booming big cities, access to the coast, and stretches of long open roads make Texas a transportation mecca. But being a shipping metropolis comes with its challenges—and hazards. Texas has long been dubbed as one of the deadliest states to drive in, and the Dallas-Forth Worth area…

The onset of modern technology has disrupted the automotive world, with vehicles offering more safety and luxury features than ever before. But one major trend is concerning—the uptick in pickup trucks on the road. Even more alarming, not only are pickup trucks increasing in popularity—they’re increasing in size as well….