Category: Truck Accidents

The debate on whether to lower the age limit for interstate truck drivers has been in contention for two decades. However, a bipartisan group in Congress has drafted new legislation in addition to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) pilot program in recent weeks to bring the issue back…

The owner of a Rochester trucking company was recently charged by criminal complaint for allegedly lying to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Charges include that Tony Kirik, the owner of several trucking companies, made false statements to the FMCSA and the U.S. Department of Transportation in an attempt…

Trucking accounts for over 70% of American freight. In 2017, the U.S Department of Transportation estimated that more than 49 million tons of goods valued at more than $53 billion is moved in trucks nationwide every day, and those numbers have only gone up since then. But despite the fact…

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world as we know it. With many businesses restricted and a large portion of the population working from home, the roads have been freer than ever. The general assumption was that with the decrease in traffic would come a decrease in car accidents, and…

Trucking is one of the most significant components of the U.S. economy. Composed of over 3.5 million truck drivers, the trucking population moves 10.5 billion tons of goods annually, accounting for over two-thirds of American freight. Driving a truck is no small feat, either. The average 18-wheeler weighs 35,000 pounds—and…

The COVID-19 epidemic has completely changed many things about life as we know it, and business is no exception. One of the most heavily affected areas is the trucking industry. With most entertainment options closed or limited, many Texan consumers have some wiggle room in their budgets. Add the convenience…

Long-held safety measures for truckers are suspended for certain delivery items Since 1938, long-haul truckers have been required to adhere to some form of safety controls regarding a maximum number of driving hours and a minimum level of off-duty hours over a set period of time. The chart below demonstrates…

There is an important distinction to be made between commercial motor vehicles and regular motor vehicles. Commercial motor vehicles, commonly referred to with the acronym of CMV, are those used for the purpose of transporting people or goods for profit. This is in contrast to regular everyday vehicles people use…

Though it might seem impossible and likely is, Texas transportation leaders have set the lofty goal of zero roadway deaths by 2050. If all goes according to pan, roadway deaths in the Lone Star state will be cut in half by 2035. The question is how, exactly, will this remarkable…

Truck tire blowouts have the potential to prove disastrous for the truck driver as well as everyone else in the vicinity of the truck. A truck tire blowout occurs when the structure of the truck tire fails causing rapid deflation of the tire. Blown-out truck tires can make loud cracking…