Category: Truck Accidents

Everyday tens of thousands of workers across Houston and around Texas go to work in the oil and gas industry. The jobs pay well but there is also risk that goes along with working in the industry, including injury as a result of an oil rig accident. In Oklahoma, Dianna…
A national shortage of truck drivers, especially in Texas where the booming oil industry creates a demand for drivers, could result putting inexperienced truck drivers on the road. A rising economy has outpaced the ability of the trucking industry to find qualified drivers. Exacerbating the problem is a lack of…
An 18 wheeler swerves onto the shoulder of a turnpike, killing a tow truck driver doing his job. Oklahoma trooper declares “no need for this.” An Oklahoma tow truck driver was killed while working to haul a disabled vehicle when an 18 wheeler crashed into him after inexplicably swerving onto…
As technology toward driverless cars advances, driverless 18 wheelers are in development. Does this mean that truck drivers will disappear, and with them, truck accidents in Houston and around Texas? Political tension always exists over regulation to reduce 18 wheeler accidents and other truck accidents. The trucking industry recently sought to…
So many big rig accidents involve driver negligence, so it’s refreshing when a hero steps forward to save a life in an 18 wheeler wreck. Too often it is our sad duty to report on companies whose negligence results in death and mayhem in 18 wheeler accidents. How refreshing, then,…
As a regulatory deadline loomed, truckers staged a last minute protest against a rule meant for safer roads in Houston and nationally. The long awaited deadline for truckers to have electronic logging devices installed on their big rigs happened yesterday and drivers around the country staged protests hoping to delay…
A management group confirms that Houston roads endure an alarming level of carnage, with one fatal crash for every mile of roadway. Sometimes statistics only confirm what your gut already told you. That’s the case with the new graphic released by the fleet management firm TeleTracNavman which maps out the…

The December 2017 deadline is looming for all big rigs to have electronic driver logs, but with no enforcement plan, safety is on hold in Houston and around America. For decades the temptation for truck drivers to drive more hours than allowed by law was made easier with paper log…

Failure of an 18 wheeler to stop for backed up traffic is a common scenario in a big rig accident. And the result if often catastrophic for people in passenger vehicles. He dreamed of becoming a police officer, of protecting people and saving lives. Instead, five year old Xander Cruz…
Parents naturally want their children to be safe in Houston, Texas and across America. A California family is living their worst nightmare as their child was killed after school by a truck driver. The parents of eight year old Brock McCann are suing CR&R Environmental Services, the trash hauler contracted…