Houston Hernia Mesh Lawsuit Attorney

Hernia mesh is a medical device that has been used for decades to support weakened tissue around hernias after surgery. But in recent years, many of these products have been found to be defective, presenting serious health dangers to patients.
From 2005 to early 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalled over 211,000 units of hernia mesh due to their potential to cause serious injuries. However, in spite of the various product recalls, some surgeons continue to use hernia mesh as a safeguard against repeat hernia injuries.
If you were injured after being treated with hernia mesh in Houston, you could be entitled to compensation. Don’t hesitate to contact the experienced hernia mesh attorneys at The Callahan Law Firm today. We will review your claim, help you determine what your legal options are, and pursue any compensation you deserve.
What Is Hernia Mesh?
Hernia mesh is a medical device that surgeons insert to provide support to damaged tissue around hernias during the recovery process. It’s always possible for the hernia to return even after surgery, so surgeons use mesh as a way to guard against a recurring injury.
This mesh is typically synthetic or made from organic materials. Some types of mesh are designed to dissolve in the body over time, similar to certain types of stitches. Hernia mesh has been a common device used to reinforce tissue post-surgery, but in recent years, some types of mesh have led to patient injuries and the FDA has deemed them dangerous.
Common Types of Hernia Mesh Injuries in Houston
Hernia mesh complications can be severe, and even deadly. Some of the common types of injuries caused by hernia mesh include:
- Adhesion – Adhesion occurs when scar tissue sticks together. This can cause severe, chronic pain and can also cause bowel obstructions. Hernia mesh often comes into contact with the intestines, causing them to stick to the repair. Although some manufacturers of hernia mesh have attempted to produce mesh that has a special coating to prevent adhesion, this coating typically works for only a short time.
- Bowel obstruction – Bowel obstructions can occur due to adhesion. Hernia mesh can also create bowel obstructions when it moves in the body. Some of the common symptoms of bowel obstructions include vomiting, nausea, and inability to pass a stool. Bowel obstructions are a serious, life-threatening condition that requires emergency care.
- Bowel perforation – Bowel perforation occurs when the hernia mesh pokes holes in the bowel. When the bowel is perforated, fecal matter can escape the bowel into the abdominal cavity. Hernia mesh may also perforate other organs in the abdominal cavity as well. Symptoms of bowel perforation include abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, and rigidity in the abdominal area.
- Infection – If the area around the hernia mesh becomes infected, surgery may be required to remove the mesh. Antibiotics can be used but may not be sufficient for all infections. Symptoms of infection include fever, inflammation, and flu-like symptoms.
- Migration – Hernia mesh can also become detached, which can lead it to migrate throughout the body. This can cause bowel perforations and obstruction, adhesions, fistulas, and abscess formation. Common symptoms of migration include swelling, fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and weight loss.
- Rejection – When the mesh is inserted into the body, the body’s immune system may sometimes reject the mesh. This can cause symptoms including tenderness, redness, pain, swelling, and flu-like symptoms.
- Recurrence – There is always a risk that hernias will come back. Doctors originally began using hernia mesh to reduce the likelihood that a hernia would recur, but the mesh is not always a reliable safeguard against future injury.
What Are the Dangers of Hernia Mesh?
Hernia mesh has been shown to cause severe, life-threatening complications. Many of them require emergency care. In addition, mesh doesn’t necessarily prevent the recurrence of future hernia injuries. Not only can mesh cause perforations and adhesion when it is in place, but it also has the potential to move around the abdominal cavity.
Even if the use of hernia mesh may offer some immediate benefits, the risks associated with this medical device are serious. In some cases, the injuries caused by the mesh may not appear for years.
Who Is Eligible to File a Hernia Mesh Lawsuit?
If you sustained severe injuries following hernia mesh surgery, then you may be eligible to file a hernia mesh lawsuit, particularly if the mesh was produced by a manufacturer of recalled hernia mesh such as Ethicon, C.R. Bard, or Atrium.
A few qualifications for eligibility may include:
- You sustained injuries that may have resulted from the use of hernia mesh in your surgery, such as mesh migration, infection, organ perforation, or obstruction.
- You sustained serious injuries more than 30 days post-surgery.
- You required surgery due to complications arising from hernia mesh.
What Compensation Can I Get If I Sue for Hernia Mesh Injuries?
Compensation for hernia mesh injuries is designed to cover both economic and non-economic financial losses caused by the defective device. If you pursue compensation for a hernia mesh injury, you could be entitled to receive money to cover the cost of:
- Present and future medical expenses related to the injury or injuries
- Lost income if your injuries have left you unable to work and earn a living
- Pain and suffering, including emotional trauma, mental anguish, and loss of enjoyment of life due to the injury
It is also possible that punitive damages could be awarded. Punitive damages are designed to punish a negligent party for extreme recklessness or carelessness.
Contact Our Houston Hernia Mesh Lawsuit Lawyers Today for Help
If you were injured after being treated with hernia mesh, get in touch with one of our dedicated Houston hernia mesh lawsuit attorneys at The Callahan Law Firm today. We are prepared to move swiftly to collect and preserve vital evidence and build the strongest possible case for compensation.
We will work tirelessly to reach a fair settlement on your behalf, and, if need be, we will take your case to court to fight for your rights. Contact us right away for a free consultation.